. "Polish citizens suffered from Soviet terror" . "countrywide operations" . "atrocities in Poland" . . "the gross abuses of power" . . "atrocities against Poles" . . "Soviet repressions of 1939\u20131946" . . "deported to Siberia" . "were deported to the Soviet Union in the years 1940\u20131941" . "communist prisons" . "repression of Polish Catholics and clergy" . "were principally the victims of Soviet terror between 1939 and 1941" . "Soviet repression of Polish citizens" . "deported" . "repressed the Polish Catholics and clergy" . "massive deportation of the Polish population carried out by the Soviets in 1939\u20131941" . "Soviet crimes in occupied Poland" . . "Soviet executions and mass deportations" . "Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939–1946)" . "Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939\u20131946)" . "Soviet repressions of Polish citizens" . . "prisons" . "Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939\u20131946)" . "deported deep within the Soviet Union" . "Soviet repressions of Poles" . "Soviet atrocities in Poland" . "Soviet repressions and massacres of Polish citizens" . "deportation to Siberia" . "were subjected to Soviet repression" . "the Soviets deported about 325,000 Polish citizens" . "forcibly sent" . "Poles deported by the Soviet Union" . "various repressions" . . "Soviet atrocities against Poland" . "Soviet campaign of political murders and other forms of repression" .