"Spain's transition to democratic government" . "restoration" . "Spain" . "transition to democratic rule" . . "reintroduction of democracy" . "democracy restored in Spain" . "moved to restore democracy" . "restoration of democracy by 1978" . "political transition" . . "its transition to democracy" . "arrival of the democracy" . "his support of democratising Spain" . . "transition period" . . "Spanish Transition to Democracy" . . "Post-Franco" . "a new period in the history of Catalonia" . "Kingdom of Spain" . "Spain transitioned into a democracy" . "Second Restoration" . "Franco's death" . "coming of the Spanish democracy" . "aid in the transition of the new Spanish democracy" . "transition" . "transition of Spain to democracy" . "Transition era" . . . "in 1975" . "regained more self-control" . "newborn Spanish democracy" . "Spanish transition to democracy" . "Spanish transici\u00F3n" . "''Transici\u00F3n''" . "1975\u2013present" . "advent of democracy" . "democratisation movement gained power" . "period of Spain's political transition" . "transitioned to democracy" . "democracy to Spain" . . "Spain (1975)" . "Transition" . "Spanish transition to democracy" . "the end of Franco's dictatorship" . . "Transici\u00F3n Espa\u00F1ola" . "the subsequent transition to democracy" . "demise of General Franco's government" . . "restoration of democracy in Spain" . . "post Franco era" . "contemporary Spanish state" . "the arrival" . "brighter future" . "Spanish \\\"transition\\\"" . "transformation into democracy" . "Spain's transition to democracy" . "first democratic government" . "transition towards democracy" . "returned to a democracy" . "democratization of Spain" . "becomes a democracy" . . "transition to democracy in Spain" . "the country's transition to democracy" . "Spain became a democracy" . "moving his country back to democracy after nearly 40 years of dictatorship" . "Democratic transition Period" . "democratic transition" . "democratic Spain" . "Francoist regime collapsed" . . "1975" . . "democratic" . "arrival of democracy" . "the transition" . . . "immediate transition period" . "Spanish Transition" . "Reino de Espa\u00F1a" . "Spain\u2019s transition to democracy" . . "democracy was restored" . . "Spain to democracy" . "+34" . "the Spanish Transition" . "transitioned back to democracy" . "the restoration of constitutionalism and democracy" . . "\\\"''transici\u00F3n''\\\"" . "democracy returned to Spain in the late 1970s" . "transici\u00F3n years" . "spanish transition to democracy" . . "Moncloa Pacts" . "restoration of democracy" . "three-year-long transition" . . "democracy" . "a more democratic rule" . "retorno de la democracia" . "the Transition" . "Spanish political transition from dictatorship to democracy" . "restoration of democracy in 1975" . "newly democratic" . "Spanish Transition to democracy" . . "return of democracy to Spain" . . "Spain's transition to constitutional democracy" . "pre-transition" . "political transition to democracy" . "democratisation of Spain" . "return to democracy in Spain" . "transition to a democratic system" . . "Transitional Government" . "Plus Ultra" . . "Una, Grande y Libre" . "Spanish transition" . "period of transition" . "country's transition to democracy" . "Transition years" . "the democratic transition" . . "democracy, along with the monarchy, was restored" . . . "first democratic elections" . "entrance of democracy" . "restoration of parliamentary democracy in 1977" . "post-Franco" . "Restoration of the Spanish Monarchy" . "return of democracy" . "transition to democracy" . "first years of democracy" . "transici\u00F3n" . "Spanish democratic transition" . "the transition to democracy" . "process of transition" . "democratic transition period" .