"Darwin first recognized the problem" . "trichotomic" . "divergence" . "Speciation#Speciation via polyploidy" . "distinct" . "become new species" . . "evolutionarily diverged" . . "Speciation#Genetics" . "polyploid speciation" . "speciation rates" . "perpetual state of transition both in time and space" . "Darwin's dilemma" . "species formation" . "divergence of the species" . . "creating new species" . "parapatric speciation" . "diversified" . . "diverging" . "speciated" . . "evolutionary divergence to fully stable species separation" . "evolving" . "speciation events" . "new species appearing" . "divided into two species" . "Species level evolution" . "evolving into distinct species" . . "polyploidisation" . "diverged out" . "separated" . "evolutionary divergence" . "Darwin's Dilemma" . "diversify" . "diverged" . "Speciation" . "differentiate" . "species radiation" . "species barrier" . . "diversification" . "creation of new species" . . "giving rise" . "distinct species" . . "speciating" . "species" . "de novo evolutionary events" . "trichotomies" . . "Speciation#Human speciation" . "Speciation" . "new species" . "speciate" . . . . "how new species arose" . "evolution produces species" . . "long been noted" . "gradient speciation" . "modes of speciation" . "Divergence" . . "polyploidization" . "divergence and speciation" . "creation" . "evolutionary lineages" . "Speciation#Darwin's dilemma: Why do species exist?" . "speciation gene" . . "became separate species" . "vicarization" . "species could arise" . "change into another" . . "\\\"speciated\\\"" . "trichotomy" . "arose" . "speciation" .