"Scientifically described" . "original description" . . "formallly described" . "describes" . "species description" . "Species description" . "first description" . "formally introduced" . "scientific description and name" . "scientific description" . "initial" . "first characterized" . "formal classification" . "describer" . "described to science" . "first publication" . "described species" . "biological description" . "formerly described" . "author" . "officially described" . "species" . . "published a treatment" . "properly described" . "been described" . . "discovered and described" . "described and named" . "patronyms" . "senior author's" . "named new species" . "described it as a new species" . "description of the species" . "first described" . "distinguished" . "originally described" . "created" . "type description" . "formally described" . "formal description" . "diagnostic features" . "classify" . "first formally named" . "describe species" . "first published" . "formal descriptions" . "first, described" . "describers" . "described" . "described the species" . "formally" . "scientifically describe" . . "undescribed" . . . "new species" . "co-describers" . "described scientifically" . "first described scientifically" . "Species description" . "first named" . "described as a species" . "Describing" . "raised" . "was named" . "redescription" . "describe" . "newly described" . "author's" . "Plant description" . "described a new species" . "species describer" . "named" . "named and described" . "described by" . "describing the species" . "formally named and described" . "formally undescribed" . "original descriptions" . "formally describe" . "published" . "describing" . "diagnosis" . "Species description#Formation of species names" . "species description#Naming process" . "first formally described" . "desceribed" . . "erected" . "formally named" . "recognized" . "formal description as a species" . "scientifically described" . "describer's" . "originally named" . "described the following species" . . "formal species descriptions" . "scientific patronym" . "scientific descriptions" . "First described" . "undescribed species" . "authors" . "Formally described species" . . "descriptive" . "first described by" . "described as a new species" . "naming" . "Described" . . "described it as a species" . "descriptions" . "first" . . "formally described them" . "type descriptions" . "protologue" . "new to science" . "description" . . . . "described as new to science" . "describing for the first time" . "first formerly described" . "describe the new species" .