"Catholicism" . "Christian" . "official religion of the Roman Empire" . "Christians reasserted control" . "Imperial Church" . "imperial Church" . "Christian Roman Empire" . "Roman Christianity" . "Roman state church" . "state religion" . "Byzantine church" . "the church" . "church" . . "State church of the Roman Empire" . "Byzantine" . "official religion of Rome" . . "rise of Christianity" . . "Nicene version" . "Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire" . "religion" . "dominant religion" . "state religion of the Roman Empire" . . "Imperial" . "undivided Christian Church" . "official religion" . "Roman State Church" . "State Church of the Roman Empire" . . "state religion of Rome" . "Imperial Roman Church" . "church of Rome" . "official form of Christianity for the Empire" . . "Roman" . "catholic" . "Christianity" . "Church of Rome" . "State Church" . "Christianity rose to dominance in the fourth century CE" . "Christian hegemony" . "Byzantine Christianity" . "were historically one and the same" . "state church" . "Christian emperors" . "Byzantine churches" . "dominant" . "Church and state were closely linked and collaborated in a \\\"symphony\\\"" . "officially" . "Christian Church" . "Byzantine Church" . "state church of Rome" . . "adoption as the official religion of the Roman state in 380" . "Christianity was adopted by the Roman state" . "East" . . . "official state religion of the Roman Empire" . "state church of Roman Empire" . "State church of the Roman Empire" . "Church" . "Roman Empire\u2019s state religion" . "Christianity the State religion" . "adopted Christianity" . "its state religion" . "Church of the West" . "Roman Christian" . "the Christians" . "state church of the Roman Empire" . "official state religion of Rome" . "Chalcedonian Christian" . "Church in the Roman Empire" . "imperial church" . "Roman church" . "the state church" . "Christianity became the sole Imperial religion" . "early Roman church" . "State" .