"text-critical" . "textually problematic" . "critical editions of the Greek text" . "editions of ancient texts" . "Application of textual criticism to religious documents" . "internal evidence" . "analysis" . "Some textual scholars" . . "families" . "close study" . "manuscript tradition" . "duplication" . "manuscript readings" . "corruption of the text" . "eclectic text" . "scribal transmission" . "textual criticism" . . "external" . "textual error" . "better manuscripts" . "critiqued edition" . "eclectic method" . "stemma codicum" . "\\\"hopelessly corrupt\\\" reading" . "Textual_criticism#Internal_evidence" . "textual conjecture" . "strongly suggest" . "textual editors" . "collation" . . "stemmata" . . "text types" . "Textual criticism#Eclecticism" . "Textual scholars" . "critical text" . "witness" . . "editorial techniques" . "critical studies" . "editorial emendations" . "modern critical texts" . "scholarly edition" . "readings of the text" . "identification of textual variants, or different versions" . "linguistic knowledge" . "text critical" . "eclectic" . "textual tradition" . "\\\"critical text\\\"" . "edition" . . "textual \\\"scholars\\\"" . "critical scholars" . . . "Textual criticism" . "Textual Criticism" . "textual" . "textual analysis" . "Critical Edition" . "Classical Textual criticism" . "eclectic text-type" . . . "criticism" . "textual critics" . "corrupt transition" . "textual scholars" . . "New Testament Textual Criticism" . . "stem" . "Textual criticism#New Testament" . "stemmatics" . "philological analysis" . "textual evidence" . "Textual_criticism#Stemmatics" . "critically edited" . "textual critic" . "Critical edition" . . "text-types" . "textually accurate" . "Textual criticism#External evidence" . "critical editions" . "critical edition" . . "scribal error" . "editions" . "critical texts" . "textual scholarship" . "Eclectic" . "scribal mistakes" . "textual variations" . "exemplar" . "problematic reading of the text" . "Textual criticism" . . . "eclecticism" . "historical-textual" . "The Center for Scholarly Editions" . "textology" . "establish the truth" . . "Eclecticism" . "Lower criticism" . "textual editing" . "textual difficulties" . "modern scholarship" . . "witnesses" . "Critical text" . "corrupted in transmission" . "stemma" . "transmission" . . "readings" . "New Testament textual criticism" . "Textual critics" . "Textual criticism#Stemmatics" . "critical reading text" . "editor of texts" . "text" . "copy-text" . "text critic" . "transmission of the text" . "internal" . "reconstructing the text" . "critical" . . "textually vexed" . "critic" .