"The Good Angel" . "Archibald's Benefit" . "The Man Upstairs" . "The Man Upstairs and Other Stories" . "Rough-Hew Them How We Will" . "Three From Dunsterville" . "The Goal-Keeper and the Plutocrat" . "Ahead of Schedule" . . "''The Man Upstairs'' (short story collection)" . . "When Doctors Disagree" . . "The Man, the Maid and the Miasma" . "Sir Agravaine" . "The Man Who Disliked Cats" . "By Advice of Counsel" . . . "In Alcala" . "Ruth in Exile" . "The Tuppenny Millionaire" . "The Man Upstairs (short story collection)" . "Pots o' Money" . . . . . "Out of School" . "The Man Upstairs (short story collection)" . "Deep Waters" . "Something to Worry About" .