. . "theater of combat" . "theatres of war" . . "operation theatre" . "areas of operations" . . "Theater of Operations" . "theaters of war." . . "theater-level" . "theatres" . "theater level" . "theatres of military operations" . . "military theater" . . "theater command" . "area of operations" . "Theatre of War" . "Theater (warfare)" . "war theater" . "theaters of war" . "Army Theater" . "theater of war operations" . "battlefield" . "theater control" . "theater" . "theater (warfare)" . "Theater (warfare)#Theater of operations" . "Atlantic theatre" . "theaters of operations" . "overseas theaters" . . . "theater of war" . "operational theatre" . . "Theatre of Operations" . "front" . "theaters of operation" . "frontline" . "theatres of combat" . "Theater_(warfare)#Theater_of_war" . "theater of operations" . "Theater" . "in-theatre" . "theaters of conflict" . "combat theatre" . "theatre scale" . "Theater-level" . "theatre" . "Theater (warfare)#Theater of military operations" . "Theaters" . "Theater (warfare)" . "theaterisation" . "combat theaters" . "field" . . "theatre of warfare" . "Theater strategy" . . "theaters" . "war-time responsibilities" . "theatre of operations" . "Theatre" . "Command" . . . "war zone" . "theater of military operations" . "combat theater" . "theatre of war" . "Theater of war" . "forward theater" . "theatre of operation" . "war theatre" . . . "battleground" .