"MSc thesis" . "dissertation thesis" . "PhD dissertations" . "Master's Thesis" . . "Doctoral Thesis" . "doctoral dissertation" . "Theses and Dissertations" . "doctorate" . "\u0442\u0435\u0437\u0438\u0441" . . "Thesis#Regional and degree-specific practices and terminologies" . "viva voce" . "PHD dissertation" . "senior thesis or capstone" . . "thesis (or dissertation)" . "thesis, or dissertation" . "Thesis#Finland" . "thesis or dissertation" . "defended his thesis" . . . "graduate theses" . "PhD Thesis" . "Ph.D dissertation" . . "doctoral theses" . . . "PhD thesis" . "dissertation council" . "academic thesis" . "Doctoral thesis" . "thesis defence/examination" . . . "degree dissertation" . "diploma thesis" . "graduation essay" . . "defending a dissertation" . "thesis project" . "Master's thesis" . "Thesis Film" . "Thesis#Thesis examinations" . . "Ph.D. thesis" . "university thesis" . . "dissertation defense" . "doctoral committee" . "Thesis" . "master thesis" . "\u0442\u0435\u0437\u0430" . "defends her dissertation" . "viva" . "PhD dissertation" . . "thesis" . "doctoral vivas" . "Thesis#Examination results" . "German system" . "senior thesis" . "honors thesis" . . "defended her thesis" . "thesis film" . "candidate thesis" . "master's thesis" . "thesis writing" . . "magna cum laude" . "Ph.D" . "PhD theses" . "dissertation" . "Diplomarbeit" . "PhD" . "Doctoral dissertation" . "colloquium" . "defense" . "doctoral dissertations" . . "Habilitationsschrift" . "research" . . "academic theses" . "dissertations" . "Dissertation" . "thesis paper" . "thesis committee" . "Thesis" . . "paper" . . "Ph.D. dissertation" . . "graduate thesis" . "disquisitions" . "college thesis" . "Master Thesis" . "doctoral and master theses" . "Thesis#Thesis committee" . "masters thesis" . . "PhD committee" . "dissertation councils" . "theses" . "doctoral thesis" . "master theses and doctoral dissertations" . . . "disputation" . . "defended" . "thesis defense" . "Masters Thesis" . "Masterarbeit" . "Thesis Writing" . "a student's son" . "graduation thesis" . "disserations" . "thesis research" . . .