"third-generation" . "8-bit consoles" . . . "History of third generation video game consoles (1983\u20131992)" . "previous generation" . "8-bit game consoles" . "third generation of home consoles" . "8-bit console" . . "third-generations" . . . "the days of eight-bit games" . . . "8-bit video game consoles" . "third-generation game consoles" . . "Third" . . "third" . . "8-bit graphics" . "third generation of video games" . "8-bit style" . . "8-bit era" . . . "third-" . "8-bit games" . . "Third generation" . "Third generation of video game consoles" . "NES generation" . "3rd" . . "third generation of game consoles" . . "8 bit era" . "8-bit video games" . "8-" . "third generation" . "8-bit" . "third generation of consoles" . . "8-bit video game graphics" . . "third console generation" . "Third generation of video game consoles" . "third-generation console" . . "console revival" . "third generation of video game consoles" .