"2018 referendum to allow legislation on abortion" . . . . "Thirty-sixth" . "repealed the Eighth Amendment" . "a referendum on the Eighth Amendment" . "2018" . "referendum to remove the constitutional article which prohibited abortion by recognising the equal right to life of the unborn" . "Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution Bill" . "36th Amendment" . "referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment" . "repeal of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution" . "2018 referendum to remove the constitutional prohibition of abortion" . "repealed in 2018" . . "since deleted" . "2018 referendum on the availability of abortion" . "in a 2018 referendum" . "2018 Irish abortion referendum" . . "referendum on the repeal of the 8th amendment" . "2018 abortion" . . "outlined policies which would govern legislation" . . "thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" . "repeal of the Eighth Amendment" . "referendum held in 2018" . "same sex marriage" . "2018 abortion referendum" . "repealing the Eight Amendment" . "referendum on the Eighth Amendment" . "repeal the 8th" . "2018 referendum to legislate for abortion" . "A constitutional referendum" . "the abortion debate" . . "a referendum was passed" . "referendum on the constitutional ban on abortion in Ireland" . "36th Amendment of the Constitution" . . "repeal of the eighth amendment" . "Thirty-fifth" . "Thirty-Sixth Amendment of the Constitution" . "referendum to repeal" . . "Repeal the 8th" . . "results by region" . "2018 Referendum on the Eighth Amendment" . "referendum on abortion" . "36 (2018)" . "referendum to allow the Oireachtas to legislate for abortion" . "2018 refendum" . "Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" . "Irish referendum on legalizing abortion" . "Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2018" . . . "Repeal of the Eighth Amendment" . "2018 referendum" . "the repeal" . "legalization of abortion in Ireland" . "Thirty-Sixth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2018" . "Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution Act 2018" . "2018 Referendum on Abortion" . "Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution" . "repeal the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution" . "repeal" . "referendum" . "thirty-sixth amendment of the constitution of Ireland" . "2018 referendum on the Eighth amendment" . . "Referendum to legalise abortion" . "Thirty-fourth" . "Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland" . "Thirty-sixth Amendment" . "36" . "challenging the validity" . "Repeal the Eighth Amendment on abortion" . "36th constitutional amendment" . "the campaign" . "the 2018 referendum" . "repeal the Eighth Amendment" . "referendum to replace Article 40.3.3\u00B0" . "abortion in 2018" . . "2018 referendum on abortion" . "Eighth Amendment" . "Referendum to Repeal the Eighth Amendment" . "only county" .