"''tribunus celerum''" . . "Tribuni plebis" . "plebeian officers (tribunes)" . "Tribune of the Plebs (59 BC)" . "tribunes of the plebeians" . "Plebeian Tribunate" . "magistracy" . "tribunus celerum" . "Roman Tribune" . "Tribunus Celerum" . . "tribunal" . . "tribuni della plebe" . "Tribune of the Plebs" . "Tribunicia potestas" . "tribunitial" . "military tribunes" . "tribuni militum" . "Tribune" . "tribunes" . "Tribune#Military tribunes" . "Tribunicia Potestas" . "tribunus militium" . "tribune of the ''plebs''" . . "plebeian tribune" . "Plebeian Tribunes" . "military tribune" . "Military Tribunes" . "Tribunes of the Plebeians" . . "tribunates" . . "Tribune" . "Tribunus" . "Plebeian Tribune" . "plebeian tribunate" . . "Roman Tribune of the People" . . "tribunes of the people" . "tribunate" . "tribunus" . "tribunician" . "tribune of the plebs" . "popular tribune" . "Roman military tribunes" . "Tribune of the Celeres" . "tribunes of the ''plebs''" . "tribune of the ''celeres''" . "Tribuni" . "tribunician powers" . "tribunicia potestas" . "Military Tribunate" . "TR P" . . "Tribunat" . "tribune of the people" . "the people's tribunes" . "Tribunate" . "plebeian tribunes" . . "tribuni aerarii" . "tribunician power" . "Tribunican" . "Tribunes of the Plebs" . "Plebeian tribune" . "TRibunus Plebis" . "tribunes of the plebs" . . "tribunus militum" . "tribune" . "tribunus plebis" . "Tribuno" .