"federal bailout money" . "federal bailout of major financial institutions" . "bailed out" . "bailouts" . "700 billion dollar Treasury fund" . "bailing out" . "participants" . "bank bailout" . "bailout programs" . "TARP" . "bailout aid" . . "U.S. government bailout of Wall Street banks" . "2008 bank bailout" . "bailout money" . "United States Emergency Economic Stabilization fund" . "Troubled Assets Relief Program" . "TARP program" . . . "Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)" . "rescued" . "Troubled Asset Relief Program" . "TARP legislation" . "bank bailouts" . "assistance" . "buying of $700 billion of bad debt" . . "Wall Street bailout" . "TARP funds" . "2008 TARP bailouts" . . "$700 billion bank bailout" . . "bailout" . . "TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program)" . "banking bailouts" . "Troubled Asset Relief Program" .