. "third day" . "Christmas season" . . "Third Day of Christmas" . . . . "day of Christmas" . "twelve days" . "eighth day" . "Twelve Days of Christmas" . "Twelfth Night" . "The Twelve Days of Christmas" . . "12 Days of Christmas" . . . "Twelfth Day" . . "Twelvetide" . "seventh day" . . . . . . "Twelve Days of Christmas" . . . "eleventh day" . "second day" . "Second Day of Christmas" . "25th Dec. to 5th Jan." . "twelfth day" . "Svyatki" . . . . . . . "Christmastide" . . . . . . "fourth day" . . . "12 D of C" . "A Partridge in a Pear Tree" . "Twelve Holy Nights" . "winter festive season" . . . "The 12 Days of Christmas" . .