"US involvement in regime change" . "regime-change" . "supported right-wing governments and uprisings" . . "United States involvement in regime change" . "United States's involvement in the overthrow of foreign governments" . "US involvement" . "supported anti-communist and right-wing governments and uprisings" . "Syria" . . . "regime change by the US" . . "covert political actions" . "US resources" . . "Libya" . . "attempting regime change" . "regime change activities" . "regime change" . "engendered" . "covert operations" . "regime change policy" . "overthrow opposing governments" . "in the era involving the United States and regime change" . "ousted him" . "American interventionism" . "interventionism of the United States" . . "toppled left-wing governments in the third world" . "overthrew democratically elected governments" . "many regime changes" . "regime change in Syria" . . "regime changes" . "Iraq" . "United States involvement in regime change#2005\u20132009: Syria" . "United States involvement in regime change" . "US also intervened" .