"weather reporting ships" . . "weather station" . "Protocol to amend the Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Stations of 25 February 1954, as amended 13 May 1970" . "weather-reporting ship" . "termination of the ocean stations program" . "Ocean Station" . "Revised Text of Annex II to the Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Stations of 25 February 1954 (5 June 1968)" . "weather" . "meteorological ship" . "weather station ship" . "Ocean Stations" . "weathership" . "ships" . "ocean-weather station" . "Weather ship" . . "weather patrol ship" . "Weather Ship (AGH = Auxiliary General Hydrometeorology)" . "Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Stations" . . "weather reporting ship" . "weather patrols" . . "Ocean Station November" . "weather patrol" . "ship data" . "Ocean Weather Station Programs" . . . "Weather ship" . . "Ocean Weather Ship" . "Atlantic Weather Observation Service" . "meteorological observation ship" . "weather ship" . . "Protocol to amend the Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Stations of 25 February 1954" . . .