. "Bishopric of Halberstadt" . . "Archbishopric of Bremen" . "Jutland-Kingdom of Denmark" . . . "Kingdom of Poland" . . . . . . . "Bishopric of Havelberg" . . . "Crusader military victory, successful partial conversion of West Slavs and Niklot and Pribislav agreed to acceptCatholicism" . "Bishopric of Olm\u00FCtz" . "Archbishopric of Mainz" . . . . "Unknown" . "Liutizian Confederacy" . . "Zealand/Scania-Kingdom of Denmark" . . . "Duchy of Pomerania" . . "Wendish Crusade" . . . . "Wendish" . . "Wend crusade" . . . "Unknown" . . "Obotrite Confederacy" . "Holy Roman Empire" . . "Bishopric of Merseburg" . . . "Bishopric of M\u00FCnster" . . . . . "Duchy of Saxony" . "Wendish Crusade" . "crusade against the Wends" . "Obotrites" . "County of Holstein" . . "March of Brandenburg" . "Wendish Crusade (1147)" . "Wendish Crusade 1147" . "Wendish allies:" . . "Bishopric of Brandenburg" . "Wagrians" . "March of Meissen" .