"that" . . "post-war realignment" . "betrayal by the Western powers" . . . "refusal" . "Western betrayal" . . . "betrayal of Poland" . "Munich betrayal" . "betrayed by the United States government" . "Abandoned" . "Western assistance not forthcoming" . "Poland-related decisions" . "failed to provide any meaningful support" . "without becoming militarily involved" . "transferred to the Soviet Union" . "betrayed by the Western Allies" . . . . "Western betrayal" . . "decisions made on behalf of Poland without representatives present" . "very limited" . "betrayed by their Western allies" . . "Western betrayal of Poland" . . "felt betrayed" . . "the Allies had not honored Poland's pre-war borders and effectively handed Poland to the USSR" . "abandonment of Poland" . "betrayed by her own wartime European and American allies" . . "Munich Betrayal" . "betrayed by their western Allies" . "felt betrayed by their wartime allies" . "withdrawn" . . . . "Western Allies had abandoned their former ally, Poland, to Soviet influence" . "abandonment of Poland to Soviet rule" . "that never came" . "refused to defend" . "French betrayal" .