"White House Office" . "White House staffers" . . "White House Senior Tax Counsel" . "Office of Political Affairs" . . "Office of Speechwriting" . . . "The White House" . . "White House Office#Office of Scheduling and Advance" . "White House Office#Office of Management and Administration" . . "director of legislative affairs" . . . "Office of Political Strategy and Outreach" . . "White House Staff Secretary" . "White House Office of Presidential Personnel" . "Director of the Office of Economic Initiatives and Entrepreneurship" . "White House Office#Office of Presidential Personnel" . "Office of Cabinet Affairs" . . "Office of Presidential Personnel" . . "White House Counsel" . "White House Director of Legislative Affairs" . "White House Office#Office of Cabinet Affairs" . "Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs" . "Office of the Press Secretary" . "Office of Intergovernmental Affairs" . . "White House Office#Office of Political Strategy and Outreach" . . . "White House staff positions" . "White House" . "Bill Burton" . . "White House senior staff" . . "Office of Management and Administration" . "National Cyber Director" . "Director of White House Information Technology" . . . "Office of the White House Chief of Staff" . . . . "1857" . "Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Counsel to the President" . . . "Office of Public Engagement" . . "Director of White House Technology" . "Nik Blosser" . . "White House Office of Legislative Affairs" . . "National Security Council" . "Senior Advisors & Counselors to the President" . . . . . . . "Office of the National Cyber Director" . "Office of Policy Development" . . . "White House aide" . . . . . . "White House office" . "White House Office" . "377" . "Office of Communications" . "White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs" . . "Office of Legislative Affairs" . "Office of Scheduling and Advance" . "White House staff" . . "Office of Economic Initiatives and Entrepreneurship" . . . . "White House Office#Office of Legislative Affairs" . .