. "facing extinction" . "\\\"White Genocide Manifesto\\\"" . . "racist conspiracy theory" . "White replacement theory" . "white genocide" . "genocide by substitution" . "conspiracy against the Adamic seedline" . "White genocide conspiracy theory#White extinction anxiety" . "white replacement theory" . . "supposed racially motivated crime in South Africa" . . "endangered" . . "conspiracy theory" . "threaten the survival of the white population" . . . . "Diversity is a code for white genocide" . "secretly trying to eliminate white people" . "an imminent apocalyptic race war" . "White genocide conspiracy theory" . "White Genocide" . "White Replacement" . "#WhiteGenocide" . "White genocide conspiracy theory#United States" . . . "genocide of the European race" . "white genocide in South Africa" . "White Genocide conspiracy theory" . . "White race genocide" . "\\\"white genocide\\\" conspiracy theory" . "White-nationalist conspiracy theory involving murder of white South African farmers and expropriation of their land" . "belief that white people are in danger of extinction" . "genocide" . "White genocide" . "Jews will not replace us!" . "extinction of the white race." . "enabled the Democratic electoral takeover" . "white genocide conspiracy" . . "great replacement" . . "secretly plotting the destruction of the white race through the promotion of miscegenation" . "an ongoing campaign to kill white people" . "White genocide conspiracy theory" . . "obliterated as a distinct ethnic group by means of forced race mixing" . "threatening the white race" . "\\\"white genocide,\\\"" . "white genocide conspiracy theory" . "paranoid anxiety" . "replaced by Jews" . "\\\"Great White Death\\\"" . . . . . "as they outnumber whites in many areas" . "white cultural genocide" . "genocide against white people" . "small minority" . . "\\\"white genocide\\\"" . "a supposed white genocide" . .