. "year of political anarchy" . . "the civil war" . "civil wars" . . . "civil war of 69 AD" . . . . . . . "Civil war" . "civil war of 69" . "a period of instability" . . . . . "Roman civil war of 69" . . "civil war and political turmoil in Rome" . "year" . . "69 AD" . "Year of the Four Emperors" . . "year of the four emperors" . . "war of 69 AD" . "period of disorders which shook the Roman Empire" . "as new Emperor of Rome" . . . "Year of Four the Emperors" . . . . . "Roman Civil War of 68\u20139" . "year of the Four Emperors" . . . "second civil war" . . . "struggle for the imperial throne in Rome" . . "Roman Civil War of 68\u201369 AD" . . "Civil War of 68\u20139" . . . "Civil War" . "chaotic political situation" . "Otho became emperor" . "civil war" . . "four emperors" . "69 Year of the Four Emperors" . . . "Year of the Four Emperors" . "Civil War of 68/69 AD" . "69 CE" . . "Civil War of 68-9" . "The Year of the Four Emperors" . "Year of four Emperors" .