"Debutant classification" . "maillot blanc" . . "Maillot blanc" . "young riders' competition" . "White jersey" . "white jersey classification" . "young rider competition" . "youth classification" . "young rider classification in the Tour de France" . . "young riders' classification" . "white jersey" . "young rider" . "young rider classifications" . "competition for the best young rider" . . "young rider classification" . "tied" . . "Young rider classification jersey" . . "debutant classification" . . "Young rider classification" . "Young rider classification in the Tour de France" . "best young rider's jersey" . "best young rider" . "Young riders classification" . "Young Under 25 classification" . "Young Rider classification" . "best debutant category" . "Young rider classification in the Tour de France" . "best young rider white jersey" . "Young rider" . "Young Riders Classification" . "Young Rider Classification" .