"8888 Uprising#SLORC \\\"coup\\\" and crackdown" . . "attacked the students brutally in 1988" . . . "student movement in 1988" . "1988 Uprising" . . "1988 nationwide uprising" . "deposed" . . . . . "8888 Uprising" . "88 Generation" . "widespread protests" . "uprising" . . . . "mass protests in 1988" . "political events of 1988" . "1988 student uprising" . . "1988 Pro-Democracy Protests" . "protested" . "\\\"8888\\\" pro-democracy movement" . "national uprising" . "1988 democratic uprising" . . . . . "1988 uprisings" . "anti-government demonstrations in 1988" . . . "reaction towards pro-democracy movements" . . . "widespread pro-democracy protests" . "8888 nationwide student uprising" . "serious riots" . "nationwide uprising" . "1988 pro-democracy protests" . "various pro-democracy demonstrations" . "8888" . "September 18, 1988" . "military crackdown in 1988" . "political upheaval of 1988 in Burma" . . "when the army staged its coup in 1988" . "pro-democracy, anti-government protests" . . . "the movement itself" . "resigned as ruler" . "demonstrations of 1988" . . "uprising of August 1988" . "nationwide protests" . "1988 Movement" . "8888 Nationwide Popular Pro-Democracy Protests" . "8888 uprising" . "SLORC coup" . "another military coup" . "violent suppression of pro-democracy activities" . "1988 protests" . . "\\\"8888\\\" Uprising" . "1988 anti-government protests" . "democracy uprising of 1988" . "protest movement that began on 8 August 1988" . "nationwide student protests" . "Four Eights Uprising" . . "8888 Uprising" . "8888 movement" . . "1988" . "1988 pro-democracy movement" . . . . "resigned" . . . "Nationwide uprising" . . . "pro-democracy uprising of 1988" . "happened in Burma" . "seizure of power" . . . . . "overthrown" . "collapsing" . "nationwide protests in 1988" . "1988 Military takeover" . "1988 uprising" . . . "1988 Burmese coup d'\u00E9tat" . "8888 Generation" . "September military coup and massacres" . "uprising in 1988" . . . "violent repression of pro-democracy protests" . . . . "the momentous events in Burma in 1988" . "8888 pro-democracy uprising" . . "pro-democracy demonstrations" . . "1988 pro-democracy uprising" . . .