"Anti-nuclear power" . "public concern about nuclear facilities" . "anti-nuclear activists" . "Anti-nuclear activist" . . . "anti-nuclear weapons" . "anti\u2013nuclear weapons" . "dangerous nuclear power" . . "anti-nuclear" . . "anti-nuclear activist" . "anti-nuclear power movement" . . "Anti-nuclear" . . "anti nuclear activists" . "environmental protests" . "anti-nuclear organization" . "Opponents" . "anti-nuclear power" . "against the use of nuclear power" . . "opposition to nuclear technology" . "anti-nuclear missile protest" . . "anti nuclear" . "anti-nuclearism" . . "Anti-nuclearism" . . "anti-nuclear campaigns" . . "Anti-nuclear movement#Concerns about nuclear power" . "opposition to nuclear technologies" . "anti-nuclear-power activists" . . . . "Anti-nuclear movement" . "dangers involved with nuclear power" . . "anti-nuclear campaigner" . "anti-nuclear protests" . . . . . "opponent of nuclear power" . "Concerns about nuclear weapons" . "Anti-Nuclear Campaign" . "nuclear abolition" . "protesting nuclear weapons" . "the ports' unwillingness to accommodate nuclear ships" . "anti-nuclear protest campaigns" . . "\\\"peace movement\\\"" . "anti-nuke" . "public opposition to nuclear power" . "ban the Bomb" . "\\\"Ban the Bomb\\\"" . "Movements" . "nuclear weapon-free" . "activist" . "anti-nuclear groups" . . "against the use of nuclear weapons" . "movement against nuclear arms" . "opposition to nuclear weapons" . "Anti-nuclear movement" . "public opposition" . "anti-nuclearization" . "against nuclear power and nuclear weapons" . "nuclear disarmament" . "Austrian anti-nuclear activists" . "anti-nuclear energy protests" . . "anti-nuclear testing" . "Anti-nuclear_movement#Criticism" . . "nuclear power" . "nuclear" . "nuclear disarmament movement" . "anti-nuclear activism" . . "Anti-Nuclear activism" . "opposing nuclear power" . "nuclear technology" . "anti-nuclear sentiment" . "anti-nuclear group" . . "Anti-Nuclear Movement" . "anti-nuclear movement" . . . "Protest" . "anti-nuclear marches" . . . "nuclear energy" . . "anti-nuke movement" . . . "opposition to nuclear power" . "anti-nuclear march" . "vocal critic of nuclear power" . "anti-nuclear-" . "movements against nuclear weapons" . .