"Scottish expedition" . . . . "civil war" . . "early stages" . "Bishops%27_Wars#1639;_First_Bishops'_War" . . . "Book of Common Prayer" . . "The Second Bishops' War" . "First Bishop's War" . "Bishops%27 Wars" . "The Bishops' War" . "disturbances" . . . . . "The Bishop's War" . . "campaign against the Scots" . "Bishops' Wars" . "Bishops' War" . "300 - 400" . . . . . "20,000" . "Bishop's War" . "First Bishops' War" . . "Royalists" . "Second Bishop's War" . "First Bishop's war" . . "Bishops%27_Wars#1640:_Second_Bishops'_War" . "Bishops' Wars" . . . "Bishops' Wars#First Bishops' War (1639)" . "Scottish war" . "Second Bishops War" . . "first Bishops' War" . . . "Bishops' Wars (1639\u20131640)" . . "Book of Canons" . . . "Covenanters" . . . . . "Battle of Brig o' Dee" . . "First Bishops' War." . "staged a rebellion" . . . . . . . "war" . . . "Bishops War" . "20,000 - 25,000" . "Second Bishops' War" . . "first Scottish war" . "Bishops' Wars#Second Bishops' War" . . "Covenantervictory" . . "2nd Bishops' War" . . .