. "Bundestag (Germany's national parliament)" . "national parliament (''\\\"Bundestag\\\"'')" . . "Committee on Foreign Affairs" . "member of the German Bundestag" . "MP" . "federal diet" . "parliaments" . "Bundestag (lower house)" . . . "Bundestag building" . "\u201DBundestag\u201D (West German parliament)" . "Bundestag (''national parliament'')" . "the West German Bundestag (parliament)" . . "German parliament (''Bundestag'')" . "Member of Parliament" . "parliamentary" . "bundestag.de" . "deputy" . . "Bundestag#Organization" . . "member of Bundestag" . "West German parliament (''\\\"Bundestag\\\"'')" . "office of Bundestag" . . "Bundestag" . "German Parliament (Bundestag)" . "MdBs" . "Bundestag (National Parliament)" . "German ''Bundestag''" . "Federal" . "the \u201CBundestag\u201D (German national parliament)" . "Federal Parliament (Bundestag)" . . "736" . . "Federal electoral district" . "Election Monitoring, Immunity and Rules of Procedure Committee" . "Parliament" . . "federal government" . "Legal Affairs and Consumer Protection Committee" . . "Bundestag of Germany" . "Bundestag (national parliamentary)" . "German Bundestag" . . "Germany parliament (''Bundestag'')" . "West German Bundestag (national parliament)" . . "Germany's federal parliament" . "second votes" . "enlarged Bundestag" . "National Parliament (''\\\"Bundestag\\\"'')" . "Foreign Affairs Committee" . "national parliament (''Bundestag'')" . "Deputy" . "20th Bundestag" . "German Federal parliament, the Bundestag" . "German Federal Parliament" . "Federal Diet (''Bundestag'')" . "member of parliament" . . "Bundestag (West German parliament)" . "President of the Bundestag" . . "2021-10-26" . "Labour and Social Affairs Committee" . "Committee on European Affairs" . "Parliamentary Commissioner for the" . "Deutsche Bundestag" . . . "Federal parliament of Germany" . . "Bundestag (''Germany's \\\"national parliament\\\"'')" . "Bundestag's" . "national parliament" . "parliament" . "bundestag" . "Lower House of the German Parliament" . "Germany" . "Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee" . "legislature" . "Bundestag#List of Bundestag by session" . "CDU Party List of Baden-W\u00FCrrtemberg" . "German parliament" . . "West German parliament" . "member of the West German Bundestag (''parliament'')" . "Member of the Bundestag" . "German Parliament" . . . "the Bundestag" . . "German Federal Parliament's" . "national parliament (Bundestag)" . "Federal Parliament" . "Budget Committee" . . . "Chair of the Internal Affairs Committee" . "MdB" . "government" . "Bundestag (National Assembly)" . "German parliaments" . "Bundestag (national parliament)" . "Deutscher Bundestag" . "German federal parliament" . "Member of Parliament (Bundestag)" . "Bund" . . "federal elections" . "parliament of Frankfurt" . . "Bundestag delegation" . "2021-09-26" . "Bundestag" . "Members of parliament" . "German Federal Government" . "11th German Bundestag" . "Federal Diet" . "West German Bundestag" . . "German parliament (''\\\"Bundestag\\\"'')" . "German Federal Diet \u2013 Deutscher Bundestag" . "National Parliament" . . . "Upper legislative assembly (''Bundestag'')" . "German Parliaments" . "Economics and Technology Committee" . "German-parliament" . . "Federal Minister" . "Federal Parliament of Germany" . "Federal lawmakers" . "The Bundestag" . . "Bundestag (upper parliamentary chamber)" . "Seal of the Bundestag" . . "Bundestag (West German national parliament)" . . "the German Bundestag" . "German Bundestag (German Parliament)" . "Bundestag ''(German national legislature)''" . . "federal parliament" . "Lower House" . "Bundestag seats" . . "German Federal Parliament (Bundestag)" . . "Transport, Construction and Urban Development Committee" . "Federal Diet of Germany" . . "German" . "the Bundestag (''the directly elected \\\"lower\\\" house of Germany's bicameral parliament'')" . .