. . ": 1,210,861" . . . . . . ": 235.000Italian Eighth Army" . . . . . . . "German summer offensive in 1942" . . "German Summer offensive in 1942" . . . . "offensive in the south" . "1,671 aircraft" . . "a two-pronged attack" . . . "upcoming German offensive" . "German offensive in southern Russia" . "200,000" . . "Directive No. 41" . . . "Case Blue" . "German operations in the Southern Soviet Union" . . "German advance" . . . "Soviet Union" . . "German advance towards Stalingrad" . . "Operation Fall Blau" . "Axisoperational failure" . . . "Case Blue" . "summer offensive (\\\"Case Blue\\\")" . "1942 summer offensive" . . . . . "Army Group A action \u2013 Caucasus campaign" . "Hungary" . . . . . "drive to the southeast" . . "1942 Nazi German invasion of the southwestern Soviet Union" . "Germany" . . . . . . . "2,959\u20133,720 tanks" . "Enemy at the Gate" . "Fall Blau" . . "700 tanks destroyed" . . . . "Axis Summer offensive" . . . "drive for the Caucasus" . "Operation Blau" . . . . . "''Fall Blau''" . ": 200,000" . . . . "1942-11-24" . . . "major offensive" . . "Don-bend" . "southern spring offensive" . "offensive of 1942" . . . . . "1,000,000 (In reserve)" . "unable to reach the Baku oil-fields" . . . . . . . . ": 159,426" . . . "unknown" . . . . "16,500 artillery pieces" . . . . . "German summer offensive" . . . "1,593\u20132,035 aircraft" . "advance" . . . "Independent State of Croatia" . . . . . . "main German summer offensive" . . "German offensive" . . ":" . . "Fall Blau operation" . . . "2,715,000" . "Plan Blue" . . "Summer Offensive 1942" . . . "Operation Blue" . . . "1,934 tanks/assault guns" . . "1942 Summer Campaign" . . "summer offensive" . . . . "drive on Stalingrad" . . . . . "1942 offensive" . . . . . . . . "Initially: 1,715,000" . . . "Total:" . "offensive operations" . "Italy" . . . . "1942 German strategic summer offensive" . . . "Initially: 1,570,287-1.805.000 (incl.Italian Eighth Armyfrom early August)" . . . . . "1942 German summer offensive" .