"(Strength is in patience," . "1794" . "Catholic and Royal army" . . . "French Royalist and Catholic Armies" . "Vendeans" . "(For God and the King)" . "the Lys will flower again)" . "Ground warfare" . "Catholic and Royal Army of Vend\u00E9e" . "French Royalist Forces" . "22px" . "White cockade" . . "1795" . . . "Catholic and Royal Army of Centre" . . "force" . . "Vend\u00E9en army" . . "Vend\u00E9ens" . . "Sic Reflorescent" . "1800" . . "Vend\u00E9e army" . . . . "army" . "Catholic and Royal Army" . "In Sapientia Robur," . "Catholic and Royal Armies" . "Whites" . "5,000 to 10,000 men" . "Vend\u00E9en" . "French counter-revolutionaries" . . "V\u00E9nd\u00E9ens" . "1793" . . . "The Catholic Army" . . "Catholic and Royal Army" . . . "80,000 men" . . "Arm\u00E9e Catholique et Royale" . . . . "royalist army" . . . "catholic and royal armies" . . . "counter-revolutionaries" . . . "30,000 to 40,000 men" . . "Pour Dieu et le Roi" . . . . "Catholic and Royal army of the Centre" . .