"Every constituent country" . "English" . . . "four countries of the United Kingdom" . "Home Nations" . . "home nations" . . "part of the United Kingdom" . "country made up of countries" . . "constituents of the United Kingdom" . "\\\"Home\\\" nations" . "part of" . "Nation" . "one of the four countries" . "United Kingdom's fifth consistuent country" . "country" . "1 constituent country with no devolution" . "countries that constitute the UK" . "Countries of the United Kingdom#Statistics" . "Constituent Countries of the United Kingdom" . "four \\\"countries\\\"" . "constituent countries of the Kingdom" . "nation" . "UK regions" . . "predecessor states" . "the rest of the United Kingdom" . "constituent countries" . "state's four constituent countries" . "the UK's four nations" . "country of the United Kingdom" . "its constituent countries" . "Region" . "Constituent country" . "constituent country within the United Kingdom" . "home countries" . "3 constituent countries with devolution" . "Constituent countries" . "four constituent countries" . "Country of the United Kingdom" . "constituent countries of the United Kingdom" . "inside" . "countries and regions" . . "country of the UK" . "British" . "three countries" . "parts of the UK" . "Country" . "four components of the United Kingdom" . "constituent countries of the UK" . "countries" . "Home Nation" . "country within the UK" . . "3 countries and 1 province" . "countries of the United Kingdom" . "constituent parts" . "RUK" . "Countries of the United Kingdom" . "\\\"home nations\\\"" . "four countries" . "constituent country" . "part" . "countries of the UK" . "constituent nations" . "Countries of the United Kingdom" . "four nations of the UK" . . "nations of the UK" . "devolved part" . "UK countries" . . "Countries" . "forms" . "four nations" . "UK constituent country" . . "largest and most populated country" . "the rest of the UK" . "British jurisdiction" . "a part of" .