"Nationalists" . . . . "Anti-Francoism" . "Francoist administration" . "dictatorship of General Franco" . "Francisco Franco's regime" . "Francoist rebels" . . . . "Franco Dictatorship" . "Franco era" . "the Nationalists" . . . . "Dictatorship" . . . . . . "Nationalist emissary" . . . "Spanish Government" . . "Franco's" . "Administration" . . "death of Franco" . "dictatorial government" . . . "''Dictatorship of Franco''" . "Franco's rule" . "Spanish state" . . . . . . . "Francoist State dictatorship" . "Francoist state" . "Spain under Franco" . . . . . . . . . "State of Spain" . . "the Francoist State" . . . "dictatorship of General" . . "francoist" . "Espanha" . "post-Franco Spain" . "Spain of General Franco" . . "a regency with a vacant throne" . . "Franco years" . . "Spaniards" . . . . . . "fascists in Spain" . . . "Francoist authorities" . . . "Franco Period" . . . . "Axis-leaning Spain" . "ruled as a dictator" . . "the Francoist Dictatorship" . . . . . "governed the Spanish State" . . . "the regime" . "Nationalist armies" . . "Spanish Nationalist forces" . "Spain's" . . . "Francoist" . "Franco's Nationalist troops" . . "Nationalist rebels" . . . "Nationalist faction of Spain and the proceeding government" . "Franquist" . . . "Spain was not a democracy" . . . "Francoist Regime" . . . . "pre-democratic" . . . "Axis-friendly Spain" . "Spanish Nationalists" . . . . . . "regime" . . "Government of Spain" . "Francoist propaganda" . "new regime" . "Francosim" . "new government" . "Francoist Spanish State" . "Franco dictatorship of Spain" . . . . "violent predations" . . . . . "ruling fascist regime" . . "authoritarianism" . . . . "Francoist rule" . "government propaganda" . "Franco's regime" . "Franco period" . . "Spanish nationalist" . "Fascist forces" . . . . . . "Francos' regime" . "Francoist Spanish" . . . . "Spanish government" . "General Franco regime" . . . "embryonic transition" . . . "fascism in their homeland" . "the dictatorship" . . . . . "Interior" . . . . . "postwar Spain" . . "Francoist regime" . . . . "Franco government" . . . . . . . "Dictatorship of Franco" . "Francisco Franco" . "Francoist army" . . "Francoist system" . . "semi-fascist regime" . "dictatorship under Francisco Franco" . . "military dictatorship" . . . . "Franco Era" . . "Franco\u2019s dictatorship" . . . . . "Franco's rule in Spain" . . . . "fascism in Spain" . "his regime" . "Post-Francoism" . "francoist regime" . "Spanish State" . . . "anti-Franco" . "neutral Spain" . . . . . "Franco's Dictatorship" . "Franco-era" . . . . "Nationales" . "Dictatorship of Francisco Franco" . . . . . . . "Francoist state." . . "Spain under dictator Francisco Franco" . . . . "Una, Grande y Libre" . . "postwar" . . "autocratic, one-party dictatorship" . . "Nationalist side" . "Spanish fascist" . "fascist dictatorship" . . "francoist period" . . . "Francoist era" . . . . . . . "Franco Spain" . . "Nationalist government" . . . "changed over time" . . "Spanish Francoists" . . . . . . "reign" . . . . . "Spain's time under Franco" . "Francoists in Spain" . . . "Francoist forces" . "After the war" . "Franco's dictatorial regime" . . "Spanish dictatorship" . . "rule" . . . . "Francoist dictatorship" . . . . . . . "Spanish" . "Franco Regime" . "anti-Francoist activist" . . . . "rule of Francisco Franco" . "Nationalist forces" . . . . . . . "Francoist Dictatorship" . . "regime in Spain" . . . "Spain's Franco dictatorship" . "longest dictatorship in modern European history" . . "ruling regime of the period" . . "Franco's Spain" . . "pre-democratic nostalgia" . . . . . "Francoist Spain" . "Head of State" . . . . "Spanish anti-Francoists" . "under" . . . . . "Francoist in Spain" . . . . "Spanish Nationalist" . "Franco and his nationalist dictatorship" . "Franco\u2019s" . "Francoist Spanish government" . . . "Falangist Coup in Spain" . . "dictatorship in Spain" . . . "under Franco's Rule" . . . . "ruling regime" . . "r\u00E9gime" . . . . "Francoists" . . . "Franco's dictatorship in Spain" . . "Francoist rule of Spain" . "Spanish State (Francoist Spain)" . . "Franco regime" . "Fascist regime of General Franco" . "fascist regime" . "Nationalist" . . . . . "Spain" . . "Francisco Franco's dictatorship" . . . "Kingdom of Spain" . . . . . . "dictator of Spain" . . "fascist Spain" . "post-war years" . "regime's second phase" . . . . "dictator" . . . . . . "Dictatorship of General Franco (1936-1975)" . "Francoist State" . . "censor" . "Francisco Franco era" . "the larger of the two Iberian dictatorships" . . "Spanish" . "Francoist, fascist regime" . . . "dictatorial regime" . . "associated with Franco" . "pro-Franco state" . "dictatorship of Franco" . "''R\u00E9gimen''" . . . "franquistas" . . "anti-Francoist" . . "Franco rule" . . . . "Francois" . . . . . "fascist-style government" . "Francoism" . . "government" . . . . . . "the Franco government" . . . . . . . "1936\u20131975" . . . "fascist forces" . "Nationalist Spain" . . . . "Francoist government" . . . . "Franco administration" . . . "dictatorship" . . . "Nationalist-rebel" . . "Plus Ultra" . . . "Francoist Period" . . . "Spain, now under Franco" . . "Franco's dictatorship" . "fascist" . "the government" . . . . . . "Francoist Spain" . "nationalist" . . . . . . . "Falangist victory" . . "Francoist policies" . . "promotion of a unitary national identity" . . "rule of Franco" . . . . "Franco dictatorship" . . . "by the government" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Francoist Government" . . . . "regime of Francisco Franco" . . . . . . . "Franco's military" . "under the control" . . . "Franco" . "+34" . "Spanish military government" . . "Falangist regime" . . "Anti-Francoist" . "Francoist period" . . "Franco city councils" . . "state" . . . . . . . "General Franco" . . . . . . "dictatorship of Francisco Franco" . . . . "Francoist Spain#Francoism" . . "r\u00E9gime of General Francisco Franco" . "Franco's government" . "government of Spain" . "francoism" . . "Spanish Dictatorship" . . . . . "of Spanish" .