"Japanese occupation of the Philippines" . "their occupation of the Philippines" . . . "invaded and occupied by Japan" . . "occupation of the Philippines" . "Japanese occupation, 1942\u20131945" . "occupying" . "Philippines to Japanese" . "Occupation of the Philippines" . "Japanese Occupational" . . "occupied by Japanese forces" . "Japanese Occupation of the Philippines" . "Japanese occupation of Manila" . "Japanese occupation of the Philippines (1942\u201344)" . "Filipino guerrilla resistance" . . "resistance to the Japanese occupation" . "Japanese invasion of the Philippines" . "Japanese occupation in the 1940s" . "Military and Guerrilla Warfare, Luzon" . "the Japanese occupation" . . "Japanese occupational forces" . "Japanese-sponsored" . "Filipino resistance" . . "entrance of the Japanese" . "occupying Japanese forces" . "occupied territories" . "Japanese" . "Japanese occupation of the country" . "during World War II" . "Japanese occupation" . "imperial Japan's conquest of the country in the Second World War" . "order to surrender" . "conquest of the Philippines" . "Japanese Government" . "invasion and occupation" . "Japanese occupied the Philippines" . "Japanese occupiers in the Philippines" . "shortly after" . "World War II" . "Japanese period" . . "Japan occupied the Philippines" . "resisted" . . "occupied the Philippines" . "Resistance against Japanese occupation during World War II" . "Philippines with the Japanese invasion" . . "occupied by the Japanese" . . "Japanese cccupation" . "Japanese Occupation of the Philippines (1942\u20131945)" . "guerilla campaign" . "Japanese occupation of the Philippine islands" . "Japanese invasion and occupation" . "Japanese occupation of the islands" . "Japan (1942\u20131945)" . "Imperial Japanese forces occupied the Philippines" . "occupied by Japan" . "World War II-era" . . "occupied the country" . "Japanese Occupation (1942-1944)" . "Liberation of the Philippines" . "Filipino Resistance" . "postwar" . . "resistance efforts" . "Japanese invading forces" . "Japanese military invaders" . "Japanese Occupation period" . "1941\u20131942 Japanese invasion of Philippines" . "guerrillas during the Japanese Occupation" . "Japanese-occupied Philippines" . "Japanese captivity" . "took over" . "1942 \u2013 43" . "the Philippines" . . . "Japanese occupier" . . "Japanese forces" . "Japanese occupation in the Philippines" . "underground guerrilla activity" . "forces" . . "Japanese occupied Manila" . . "occupied" . "Japanese invasion and occupation of the Philippines" . "Invasion of the Philippines" . "the Japanese invaded the Philippines" . . . "Japanese-era" . . "occupation of Manila" . "Japanese invasion" . "occupation of the Philippines by the Japanese" . "resistance movement" . "occupying Japanese troops" . "Philippines were occupied" . . "Japanese attacking the Philippines" . "occupied by Japanese soldiers" . "Japanese Occupation" . "invading Japanese" . . "Guerrilla warfare, Mindanao" . "Japanese occupation of the Olongapo Naval Station" . "Second World War" . "Japanese occupation of the archipelago" . . "Japanese occupiers" . "Filipino guerrillas" . . "Japanese era" . . "Japanese Military Administration" . . "reconnaissance and guerrilla forces" . "Japanese garrison" . "Philippine Islands" . . "Japanese occupation period" . "Japanese-occupied" . . "End of Japanese occupation" . "Japanese occupied the Philippines in 1942" . "Escort, antisubmarine, armed guard and special operations" . "Japanese occupiers of the Philippines" . . . "Japanese occupation of the Philippines" . "Occupation" . "underground and guerrilla activity" . "Philippines" . "occupation" . "Philippines during World War II" . "Japanese-controlled" . "occupied Philippines" . "Japan occupied the country" . "resisting" . "recognized guerrillas" . . "were liberated from the Japanese during World War II" . "Japanese occupation forces" . "Japanese conquest of the Philippines" .