"Southern to Northern China" . . "Southern Regions" . "northern and southern China" . . "northern Chinese" . "northern to southern China" . . . . "northern regions" . "Southern" . . "northern China" . "south" . "southern mainland China" . "northern or southern China" . "northern and southern Chinese climate and culture" . . "Northern and Southern" . "southern half of China" . "northern and southern halves" . "north" . "China" . "northern and eastern China" . "south China" . "Northern China" . "North-South split" . . "Northern and southern China" . "the northern part of China" . "north and south China" . . . "southern" . "the south" . . "South China" . "Southern Chinese" . . "northern" . "North and South China" . . . "North China" . "the north" . . "cultural regions of China" . "Southern China" . . "southern dialects" . ":Northern and southern China" . . "southern Chinese" . "North\u2013South divide in China" . . "northern provinces" . "Northern and southern China" . . . "southern China" .