. "Nazi German invasion of Norway" . . "attacked Scandinavia" . "break-out" . "German landings in Norway" . "Norway was involved in World War II" . "Narvik Campaign" . "Total: ~101,500" . "Norway had succumbed to invading German forces" . . "Norwegian invasion by Nazi Germany" . "Total:" . "invasion of Norway by Nazi Germany" . . . "invaded Denmark" . "Operation ''Weser\u00FCbung''" . "occupied Denmark and Norway" . . "the German invasion of Norway" . . "''Weser\u00FCbung''" . . "assault on Denmark and Norway" . "German Invasion of Norway" . "Operation_Weser\u00FCbung" . . . "World War II reached the country" . . "various U-boats, transports and smaller warships" . "Nazi Germany attacked Norway" . "Germany invaded Norway and Denmark" . "German advance" . . . "broke out" . . "German invaders" . "10 destroyers" . "Germany invaded Denmark and Norway" . "German invasion of that country" . . "German Forces" . . . . "German troops invaded Norway" . "German occupation of Norway and Denmark" . "German invasion of Denmark and Norway" . "Norway was invaded" . "Denmark and Norway" . "Norway and Denmark: ~66,500" . . . "campaign" . "assault on Norway" . "invasion plan" . . "came to Norway" . "invaded and occupied Norway" . "was invaded" . "occupying Denmark and fighting in Norway" . "Kriegsmarine:" . "military invasion" . "German capture of Denmark and Norway" . "Germanvictory" . "Invasion of Norway" . "invasion of Norway" . "1940 invasion" . . . . . "Germans invaded Norway" . . . "Nazi Germany's invasion of Denmark" . "April and May 1940" . "Germany invades" . . . "German invasion of the country" . "German invasion" . "German occupation" . "German invasion of Norway and Denmark" . "1 motorized rifle brigade" . "Norway was invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany" . "Nazi invaders of 1940" . . . "9 April German invasion" . . "German forces" . . . "failure of British forces" . "invaded Norway" . . "the German invasion of Denmark and Norway in 1940" . "invades Denmark and Norway" . "invaded by the Germans" . "Invasion fleet" . . "Operation Weser\u00FCbung" . "German invasion force" . "invasion" . . "Allies: ~35,000" . "6 divisions: ~52,000" . "under German occupation" . "April 1940" . . "defense of Norway in 1940" . . "invading Germans" . . "invaded by Nazi Germany" . . . . "Denmark, Norway" . "Germany's invasion of Norway and Denmark" . "Germany invaded Denmark" . . . "Germans invaded" . . "Nazi German invasion" . "Weser\u00FCbung" . . . . "bombed" . . "Norway was over-run by German troops" . . "German occupation of Denmark and Norway" . "Norway" . "5,296 casualties" . "attack on Norway" . . "German invasions of Norway and Denmark" . . "Norway was invaded by Nazi Germany" . "Norway campaign" . . . . "invades" . . "German invasion in April 1940" . "Operation Weser\u00FCbung S\u00FCd" . . "invasion of Denmark and Norway by Nazi Germany" . "attacked by Germany" . . "the Germans invaded Norway" . "1940-06-10" . . . . . "overwhelmed Denmark and Norway" . "1940 invasion of Denmark" . . . . "1940 German invasion of Norway" . "bombing of Molde" . . "Nazi Germany invaded Norway" . . "Weser\u00FCbung Nord" . . . "Total: 120,000" . . "Germany invaded Denmark in April 1940" . "the invasion of Norway" . "attacked Norway" . "German occupation forces" . . "conquered Denmark" . "9 April 1940" . "German occupation of Norway" . "1 heavy cruiser" . "Norway fell" . "invasion of Denmark" . "Norwegian invasion" . "Norway:" . . "attacked" . . . "invasions of Norway and Denmark" . . . "Nazi invasion of Norway" . "German invasion of Denmark" . . . . "invaded by Germany" . "World War II invasion of Norway" . "invasion of that country" . . "surprise attack" . "Germany invaded Norway" . "the invasion of Norway and Denmark" . . "overrun" . "conquered Denmark and Norway" . "German invasion in 1940" . "Nazi Invasion of Norway" . . . "Operation Weser\u00FCbung" . "and Norway" . . . "Denmark" . "1 artillery battalion" . "German invasion of Norway in 1940" . "its invasion of Denmark and Norway" . "Norway was invaded by Germany" . "''Unternehmen Weser\u00FCbung''" . . . "German invasion of Norway" . . . "occupation of Norway" . "Norway was attacked" . "invasion of Denmark and Norway" . . "2 light cruisers" . . "Invasion of Denmark and Norway" . . . "invaded Denmark and Norway" . . . "invaded" . . "reached Norway" . . . "Norway" . . . "invading" . "gain ground in Scandinavia" . . "occupation of Denmark" . "United Kingdom" . "Germany's invasion of Norway" . "2 divisions: ~14,500" . . "Germany invaded Norway in 1940" . "Denmark and Norway were invaded" . "German troops" . "conquest of Norway" . . "Poland" . "attack in overwhelming force" . "Germans invaded on 8 April" . . . . . "German invation of Norway" . "Norway was invaded by the Germans" . "9 divisions" . "Denmark" . "the German invasion of Denmark and Norway" . "German invasion in Norway" . "Operation Weser\u00FCbung World War II" . "The invasion" . "German attack on Norway" . "invaded by German forces" . "invasion of Norway and Denmark" . "Norwegian campaign" . "the German invasion" . "German invasion and occupation of Denmark" . . . . . "Unternehmen Weser\u00FCbung" . . "Denmark:" . "Weser\u00FCbung Sud" . . "approaching Oslo" .