"Medal of Outstanding Service, A Class" . "Medal of Outstanding Staff, A Class" . . "Medal of Naval Merits" . . "Medal of Naval Distinguished Service" . . "Medal of Army Brilliance, A Class" . "Medal of the Brilliant Light, B-Second Class" . "honors and decorations" . . "Medal of Naval Brilliance" . "Republic of China Medal of the Armed Forces" . "Medal of Army Achievement, A Class" . . "Orders, decorations, and medals of the Republic of China" . . "Medal of the Brilliant Light, A-Second Class" . "honors" . . "Medal of the Armed Forces" . . "Medal of the Armed Forces, A-1" . "Medal of Victorious Garrison, A-First Class ribbon" . . "Taiwan Medal of Merit" . . "Medal of Victorious Garrison" . "Orders, decorations, and medals of the Republic of China" .