":prostitution" . . . . . . . . . . . . "the hookers" . . . . . . "madam's" . "prostitution" . . . "organized prostitution" . . . . . . . . "prostitute ring" . . . . . . "escort service" . . . . . . . . . . . "trading of copulation for access to resources" . "prostituting" . . . . . "pimped" . . . . . . . . . . . . "prostitutes" . . . . . . "Hookers" . "Sexual services" . . . . . . "prostitute herself" . "commercial sex work" . . . . . "vice ring" . "brothel" . . . "trade in sex" . . . "red-light district" . . "solicitation" . . . . "bawd" . "hoes" . . . . . . . . . . . . "commercial sex" . . . . "\\\"sporting ladies\\\"" . . "sporting lady" . . . . . "sex workers" . "as long as there are sidewalks" . . "harlot" . . "clients of prostitution" . . . . . "has sex with male clients" . . "Ex-prostitute" . . "old prostitute" . "prostitution market" . . . "male sex workers" . "Prostitution#Virtual sex" . "sells her body" . . . . "fallen woman" . "Prostitution (Middle Ages)" . . . . . "prostitutes'" . . . . "sexual favours" . . "soliciting" . "sexual reference" . . . . "the world's oldest profession" . "male escort" . . . . "Prostitutes" . "Prostitution#Violence" . . . . . . . . . . "clients" . "women of ill repute" . "escorts" . "\\\"whores\\\"" . . . "Prostituta" . "courtesan" . . . "crackwhores" . "Hooker" . . "prostituted" . "Prostitution#Among the elderly" . . "whorehouse" . . "Money for Sex" . "Prostitution" . . . "sex industries" . . . . "French whore" . . . "consumers of prostitution" . . . . . . . "courtesans" . . . . "\\\"whore\\\"" . . . "transactional sexual relationship" . "trick" . "tarts" . . "madam" . "hos" . . . . . . . . . . "hustler" . . . . . . "white slavery" . . "gigolo" . "Buying sex" . . . . . "street sex workers" . . "whore" . "vice-ring" . . "brothels" . "female sex workers" . . "pimps" . . "sex-worker" . . "illegal" . . "moral degradation" . . . . "Female sex workers" . . "strumpets" . . "Street prostitution" . "services of women" . "prostitution ring" . "sexual services" . . "commercial sex worker" . . "ho" . . "paying for sex" . . . . . . . . . . . "special favor" . . . "''filles de joie''" . . . . . . "strumpet" . . . . . . . . "scarlet woman" . "turned tricks" . "has to pay money" . . . . . . . . . . . "sold her body for sex" . . . "tricks" . . . . "for money" . . "sex work industry" . . "\\\"escort\\\"" . "Oldest Profession" . "paid intercourse" . "fallen women" . . . . . . . "Harlow harlot" . "sex trade" . . . . . "Prostitution#Ancient_Near_East" . . "buying sex" . . "floozy" . . . . "the oldest profession" . . "\\\"prostitute\\\" / \\\"whore\\\"" . "sex trade worker" . . . . "johns" . . . . "Seamstresses" . . "something else" . . . "paid for this by having sex with the soldiers outside" . "sexual intercourse" . . . . "streetwalker" . . . . . "somewhat flexible morals" . . "hustling" . "sell her body" . "call girl" . . . . . "procure" . . . . . . . . "working" . . . "\\\"Hos\\\"" . . "john" . . "slut" . . "pimp" . . . "women are paid" . "Prostitution" . "prostitute" . . . "companion" . "escort" . . "propositioning" . . . "ho(e)" . . . . . "exchange for sexual favors" . . . . . "street-girls" . "Ho Train" . . . . . . . . . . . "whoring" . . . . "Hos" . . . . . . . . "adult" . . . "sex industry" . "hooking" . . "Sex in exchange" . . "sexually propositions" . "red light" . . . . "sex worker" . . . . . . "tart" . "vice establishments" . . . . . . . . . "turns tricks" . . . . . "whores" . . . . . "paid sexual services" . "the other kind" . . . . "vagrancy" . . . . . . . . "hooker" . . "Whore" . . "letting him sleep with her" . "sex work" . . . "scarlet women" . . . "women of the evening" . . . . . . . "their trade" . "also creates the risk of transferring diseases" . "Prostitute" . . "turning tricks" . . . "selling sex" . . "compulsory prostitution" . "Prostitution#Types" . "molly boy" . "lady of easy virtue" . . . ":Prostitution" . "WHORE" . . . . . "sex working" . . "love" . . "paid sex" . . "soiled doves" . . "professional" . . "Prostitution rings" . . . . . . . . "sex" . . "working girl" . . . . . "paid Dorothee" . . . "hoe" . "Prostitution#Street" . . . . "hookers" . "ladies of the night" . .