. . . . "bronze stars" . . "silver" . "\\\" service star" . . "3/16 inch silver service stars" . . . "Bronze Service Star" . "3/16 inch silver and two bronze service star" . . . "bronze battle stars" . . . . "\\\" silver stars" . . . "service star" . . "Service, battle, or campaign star" . "bronze inch stars" . . "Star" . "Gold Star" . "Service Star" . "\\\" Bronze Star" . "3/16\\\" bronze star" . "Battle stars" . "3/16 inch bronze service star" . "3/16 inch Silver service star" . "battle stars" . "battle clasps" . "Four Battle Stars" . "\\\" bronze star" . "stars" . . . "battlestar" . "Bronze Service Stars" . . "star" . "3/16 inch service stars" . . . "Service star" . . . "Silver star" . . . "\\\" silver star" . "Campaign stars" . . "campaign star" . . "bronze star device" . . . "Campaign Star" . "Bronze star" . . . "bronze campaign star" . . . . "with four service stars" . "3/16 service star" . "3/16 Inch Star" . "3/16 inch silver and two bronze service stars" . "Combat Jump Stars" . "one bronze 3/16 inch service stars" . . "Service star" . . . "Gold star" . . "Service_star#Campaign_stars" . "\\\" bronze campaign stars" . "service stars" . "\\\" Bronze Stars" . "3/16 inch bronze service stars" . "Battle Star" . . "3/16\\\" bronze stars" . . . . . "\\\" bronze stars" . . "Campaign Stars" . "bronze and/or silver service stars" . "inch bronze star" . "Engagement Stars" . "campaign stars" . "bronze star" . "Bronze Star Device" . "Silver Star" . . "3/16 inch silver service star" . . "Bronze Battle Stars" . "3/16 inch silver and one bronze service stars" . . "\\\" silver star and one \\\" bronze star" . "gold star" . "-inch star" . . "bronze service star" . "bronze campaign stars" . . "3/16-inch battle star" . "Battle Stars" . "3/16 Service star" . "Battle star" . "3/16 inch battle star" . "Service stars" . "\\\" bronze service stars" . "silver star" . "service/campaign stars" . . "Services Star" . "battle star" . . . . "\\\" Silver Star" . . "3/16 inch service star" . "3/16\\\" silver star" . . "Bronze Star" . . "Campaign star" . "campaign participation star" . . . "Service Stars" . "inch bronze stars" . "bronze service stars" . "Bronze Stars" .