"Independence declared from the Soviet Union" . "Korea under Soviet control" . "Soviet military command in North Korea" . "Soviet occupation of North Korea" . "Soviets" . "Soviet-occupied North Korea" . "northern area" . . . . "Soviet-occupied Northern Korea" . . "north occupied by the Soviet Union" . "North was under Soviet occupation" . "1948" . . "Northern Korea" . "Soviet forces" . . "Soviet Civil Administration in Korea" . "Soviet Union" . . . "northern part of the Korean Peninsula" . . "North Korea" . . . . "administered" . "1945-08-24" . . "Soviet Civil Administration" . "Soviet" . . . "Soviet administration" . . "Soviet administered half" . "Soviet occupation of the northern part of Korean Peninsula" . "northern zone" . "Soviet occupation" . "Soviet Civil Administration" . "north" . . . "Soviet Civil Administration in North Korea" . "northern" . "rule of Soviet Union" . . . "administering the area north" . "Soviet occupied Korea" . "1945" . "Soviet occupation of northern Korea" . "1948-02-08" . . .