"Battle of Fuenterrab\u00EDa (1521)" . "reconquest attempt of Navarre in 1516" . . . "1512 Spanish invasion of Navarre" . . "a war that lasted over 18 years" . . "conquered Navarre" . . . "Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre" . "invasion of the Kingdom of Navarre" . . "demolished in 1516" . . "French invasion of Spanish-controlled Navarre" . "gain accession to the throne of Navarre" . "Navarre was invaded by a combined Castilian-Aragonese army" . . "Spanish conquest" . . "Amaiur in July 1522" . . . "invaded the Kingdom of Navarre" . . "Killed during
the Siege of Viana" . . "Spanish conquest of Navarre" . "was almost entirely occupied" . . "was defeated" . "Crown of Aragon" . . "conquest of Iberian Navarre" . . "litigation over the Kingdom of Navarre" . . "invading Navarre" . "23pxSpanish Monarchy" . "one of the final battles" . "recently invaded Navarre" . "Castilian-Spanish control of Navarre confirmed" . "promised to stop warring" . "kingdom had been invaded" . "a French-Navarrese expedition force" . . "invaded Navarre" . "fully-fledged invasion of 1512" . . "Navarre was invaded by Castile and Aragon" . "1512 invasion" . "Castilian-Aragonese force invaded Navarre" . . "Iberian Navarre" . "invade with support from the Navarrese" . "capture Navarre" . "the Castilian-Aragonese invasion" . "Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre" . "annexation of the Iberian Navarre" . "attempted to reconquer Navarre" . "Navarre was occupied" . "1512 invasion of the Basque kingdom" . "becomes" . . . "the definitive loss" . "Kingdom of Navarre" . "War across Navarre" . "Hondarribia in 1522" . "campaigns to reconquer Navarre" . "Spanish conquest of Iberian Navarre#Castilian-Aragonese invasion of 1512" . "Castilian-Aragonese invasion of the kingdom" . "occupied Fuenterrabia" . "shaky status of Navarre" . "seizing Navarre" . "invaded and occupied the Iberian part of Navarre" . "Castilian conquest of Upper Navarre" . "French\u2013Navarrese expedition" . "1512 Spanish military takeover" . "conquered and annexed Navarre" . . "invasion of the kingdom (1512)" . . "Castilian invasion" . "bulk of the realm eventually fell" . "Navarre" . "Battle of Amaiur (Maya)" . . . . "23pxKingdom of Navarre" . . "Occupation of Navarre" . "out of Iberian Navarre" . "Conquest of Navarre" . "Franco-Navarrese expedition" . "annexation of Navarre" . "Spanish conquest of the bulk of Navarre" . . "Castilian-Aragonese victory" . . "1512 conquest and annexation" . . "conquest of Navarre" . "impending Spanish invasion" . "invasion and annexation of Navarre" . "into a full-blown invasion" . "killed at the siege" . "the conquest of Navarre" . "conquest of his home country" . "Conquest of the Kingdom of Navarre" . "Siege of Hondarribia" . "Spanish invasion of the Kingdom of Navarre" . . "In 1512, Navarre was invaded" . "Spanish invasion of Navarre" .