"Speculative" . "speculators and land sharks" . "land speculators" . "financial speculation" . "speculative buyers" . "speculative bubble" . "real estate speculator" . "Speculate" . "speculative trading" . "speculative threat" . "had sold to passers-by" . . "increase in the purchase price" . "Speculators" . "speculative capital" . . . "a desire to make a profit" . "speculative" . "on spec" . "real estate speculation" . "Speculation" . . . "speculative investments" . "speculative activity" . "speculative asset" . "spec" . . "speculated" . "speculate" . "speculator" . "speculation" . "speculative traders" . . "speculative instruments" . "speculative activities" . "finance speculation" . . "Land speculators" . "currency speculators" . . "calling the bottom" . "Speculation" . . "laws of supply and demand" . "land speculator" . "risky investments" . "speculating" . . "Land Speculator" . "currency speculator" . . "hope that selling the unneeded item later" . "market data" . "land speculation" . . . "speculative excess" . "Land speculator" . . . "financial speculator" . . . "speculative development" . "careless investment" . . "speculates" . "by gaming or wagering" . "currency speculation" . . . . . "speculators" . "speculative collectors" . "spectuative collectors" . "speculatively" .