"deported" . "Fredy Hirsch,Dina Babbitt,Otto Dov Kulka,Yehuda Bacon,Zuzana R\u016F\u017Ei\u010Dkov\u00E1" . . . "family camp at Auschwitz" . "14,000" . . . "17517" . "Ruins of BIIb" . "Theresienstadt" . "BIIb highlighted on an aerial photograph of Auschwitz II-Birkenau" . . "Theresienstadt family camp" . . "two transports, carrying 5,007 people" . . "the transport that had gone from Theresienstadt to Auschwitz on 18 December 1943" . . . "8 September 1943 \u2013 12 July 1944" . "first liquidation" . . . "Theresienstadt family camp" . . "gassed without a selection to find those able to work" . "Jews" . . "222px|center" .