skos:altLabel | - Gospel
- symbols
- symbol
- Apostles
- evangelist
- Scripture
- Evangelist
- The Four Gospels
- Evangelists
- four gospels
- evangelistic
- evangelists
- emblems
- John the Evangelist
- Evangelists' symbols
- symbols of the Evangelists
- Matthew, Mark and Luke
- 4 evangelists
- 4 Evangelists
- Beasts of The Evangelists
- Evalgelists
- Evangelist symbols
- Evangelists'
- Four Evangelists
- Four Evangelists#Evangelists.27 symbols
- Four Evangelists#Symbols
- Four Evangelists' symbols
- Four_Evangelists#Evangelists.27_symbols
- Gospel writers
- The Authors of the Gospels
- The Four Evangelists
- a symbol representing one of the four Gospels
- authors of the gospels
- emblem of St Mark
- evangelist symbols
- evangelistic symbols
- evangelists' symbols
- four Evangelist
- four Evangelists
- four Evangelists' symbols
- four Gospel writers
- four New Testament evangelists
- four disciples
- four evangelical
- four evangelists
- gospel authors
- signs of the evangelists
- symbols of Saints Mark, Luke and John
- symbols of the Evangelists.
- symbols of the Four Evangelists
- symbols of the four Evangelists
- the four evangelists