skos:altLabel | - 2006
- Stockholm
- Sweden
- Göteborg
- Väst
- City of Gothenburg
- Nya Lödöse
- Gothenburg, Sweden
- Gothenburg harbour
- Göteborg Municipality
- Annedal
- Goteborg
- Goteborg, Sweden
- Gotemburg
- Gotenborg
- Gotheborg
- Gotheburg, Sweden
- Gothemburg
- Gothenborg
- Gothenbourg
- Gothenburg (Göteborg)
- Gothenburg Court of Justice
- Gothenburg Torshamnen
- Gothenburg area
- Gothenburg metropolitan area
- Gothenburg#Architecture
- Gothenburg#Climate
- Gothenburg#Geography
- Gothenburg#Museums
- Gothenburg#Public_transport
- Gothenburg's
- Gothenburg/Göteborg
- Gottemburg
- Gottenburg
- Gottenburg, Sweden
- Gottenburgh
- Göteborg, SWE
- Göteborg, Sweden
- Göteborg, Västergötland, Sweden
- Göteborgs
- Götheborg
- North-east Göteborg urban area