  • Mutual assured destruction
  • Mutual assured destruction
  • shield
  • nuclear deterrence
  • fear
  • extermination
  • nuclear annihilation
  • MAD
  • deterrent
  • annihilation
  • retaliatory strike
  • nuclear deterrent
  • unwinnable
  • M.A.D
  • so destroyed that neither side can achieve any victory
  • Kiran Baez
  • MAD ยง Theory
  • Mutual Assured Destruction
  • Mutual assured destruction
  • Mutual assured destruction (MAD)
  • Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
  • Mutually assured destruction
  • The Empty Silo Proposal
  • \"peaceful purposes\"
  • assured destruction
  • balance of nuclear terror
  • deploying nuclear arms
  • destroyed themselves as well
  • deterrent force
  • dissuasion du faible au fort doctrine
  • doctrine of deterrence
  • finite deterrence
  • mutual annihilation
  • mutual assured destruction
  • mutual destruction
  • mutual nuclear annihilation
  • mutually assured destruction
  • mutually assured destruction (MAD)
  • mutually-assured destruction
  • mutually-assured destruction doctrine
  • no side will actually win
  • nuclear strategic deterrence
  • nuclear-deterrent
  • prevent any one nation from dominating the others
  • preventing the further use of nuclear weapons
  • retaliatory attack
  • the prospect of mutual suicide
  • threaten permanent defection
  • too dangerous for any of them to use
  • total destruction of Great Britain
  • weapons destructive enough to make war unthinkable