skos:altLabel | - Northern
- Crusaders
- campaigns
- crusade
- invasion
- conquest
- Third Swedish Crusade
- expansion
- Christianization
- Crusades
- Swedish Crusades
- crusader
- crusaders
- crusades
- crusading
- crusading army
- the crusades
- pagans were killed, subjugated or forcibly baptized
- -sanctioned
- Baltic Crusade
- Baltic Crusades
- Baltic tribes
- Crusades against the Pagan peoples
- Danish Crusades
- German crusaders
- Germanic crusaders
- Northern Crusader
- Northern Crusaders
- Northern and Baltic Crusaders
- Teutonic Crusades
- advancing Danish and German crusaders
- conquered western parts of Finland
- crusade in Estonia
- crusades against Baltic pagans
- crusades against pagans in northern Europe
- fought against non-Catholics
- invasion of the German crusaders
- invasion of the Teutonic Knights
- late arrival of Christianity
- northern Christian crusades
- northern Crusades
- northern crusades
- ongoing warfare in northern Europe
- resisted Christianization
- third and last crusade
- Northern Crusades (1147–13th century/16th century)