skos:altLabel | - P
- 26
- PO
- President
- home
- the country's
- Portuguese
- Portuguese descent
- Republic
- the country
- PT
- /
- homeland
- Metropolis
- Portuguese Empire
- Portuguese Government
- Portuguese Republic
- Portuguese government
- Portugal's
- <span style=\"background:#9DD69B;color:white\">82</span>
- Luso
- 10.11
- Portuguese mainland
- mainland Portugal
- home soil
- 313
- Kingdom of Portugal
- Portuguese rule
- Portuguese-born
- Portugueses
- the Portuguese
- Portuguese border
- Portuguese territory
- the country of the same name
- Portucale
- Third Portuguese Republic
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Team Portugal
- Portuguese throne
- Top 50
- Gharb al-Andalus
- fatherland
- Portuguese Albums
- Portuguese Albums Chart
- Portuguese Singles Chart
- Portuguese state
- Portuguese Army
- Portugual
- Republic of Portugal
- State owned
- Portuguese West Africa
- Portugese
- Portuguese's
- portuguese
- Portuguese kingdom
- 'Portuguese'
- (Portuguese) Republic
- 6,908
- <span style=\"color:white;\">Portugal</span>
- Central and Southern Portugal
- EGP Portugal
- Miss Portugal Universe 2010
- Miss Portugal Universe 2017
- No tyrant
- Portiguese
- Portugal#Biodiversity
- Portugal#Etymology
- Portugal, PRT
- Portugal’s
- Portuguese Ambassador
- Portuguese Imperial family
- Portuguese State
- Portuguese West Indies
- Portuguese colonial policy
- Portuguese continental coast
- Portuguese frontier
- Portuguese islands
- Portuguese musketmen
- Portuguese poet
- Portuguese shores
- Portuguese time
- Portuquese
- Portyngale
- Poruguese
- Porutguese
- South-west of the Iberian Peninsula
- The Portuguese Republic
- The revolutionary government
- Undiscovered Portugal
- <span style=\"background:#2288ff;color:white\">36,078</span>
- independent Portuguese state
- major cities of Portugal
- portugal
- portugueses
- the foreign yoke
- <span style=\"background:#2288ff;color:white\">25,065</span>
- <span style=\"background:#00FF00;color:red\">72,41</span><span style=\"color:black;background:#00FF00\">6,91</span>
... and more |