skos:altLabel | - opened up
- records
- archives
- Stasi Records Agency (''Bundesbeauftragten für die Unterlagen des Staatssicherheitsdienstes der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik''/BStU)
- Commissioner for the Stasi Archives
- Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records
- Gauck Agency
- Gauck Commission
- Gauck commission
- Gauck Commission (as the relevant agency was then known)
- Stasi Records
- Stasi archives
- Stasi files
- Stasi records
- Surviving Stasi records
- The files
- \"Gauck Commission\"
- a vast archive
- it transpired
- only four decades later
- preserved Stasi records
- records from the State Security
- the Stasi Records agency
- the archives
- the ministry files
- surviving files from old the Ministry for State Security
- Stasi Records Agency (''\"Bundesbeauftragter für die Stasi-Unterlagen\"'' / BStU / \"Gauck commission\")