skos:altLabel | - Aus
- rice breeding
- Paddy
- Kome
- rice
- rice cultivation
- rice grains
- rice production
- Upland rice
- cultivation
- Kanin
- rice fields
- paddy
- rice farming
- African rice
- Aman paddy
- Aman rice
- Asiatic rice
- Aus paddy
- Irrigated rice production
- Largest rice producer
- Lowland Rice
- Manufacture & Marketing of Rice
- New Rice
- O-kome
- Oryza sativa
- Oryzae Semen
- Paddy rice
- Palay
- Precooked rice
- Prepared rice
- Rice Production
- Rice Products
- Rice consumption
- Rice cultivation
- Rice farming
- Rice field
- Rice preparation
- Rice production
- Rice starch
- Rice#Asia
- Rice#Climate_change
- Rice#Cooking
- Rice#Cultivars
- Rice#Ecotypes and cultivars
- Rice#Environmental_impacts
- Rice#Harvesting, drying and milling
- Rice#Harvesting.2C_drying_and_milling
- Rice#History_of_domestication_and_cultivation
- Rice#Pests
- Rice#Preparation_as_food
- Rice#Production and commerce
- Rice#Production_and_commerce
- Rice#Rice domestication
- Rice#Sri Lanka
- Rice, History of domestication and cultivation
- Rice, paddy
- Royal Ploughing Ceremony of rice
- Texas rice
- aman paddy
- arroz
- as is currently accepted
- bhat
- boro
- domesticated rice
- dry-land rice
- floating rice
- fragrant rice
- gohan
- high-altitude rice
- instant rice
- irrigated rice production
- long grain rice
- lowland wet rice
- paddies
- padi
- palay
- rice crop
- rice crop yields
- rice crops
- rice culture
- rice domestication
- rice field
- rice industry
- rice paddies
- rice plant
- rice straw
- rice was grown
- rice-cultivating
- rice-harvesting
- rice-miller
- seasonal rice crops
- steamed rice
- the crop
- vari
- wet-rice cultivation